Debunking Common Misconceptions About Personal Injury Claims In New Jersey

Accidents happen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that Americans make a collective 35 million visits to emergency departments for injuries each year. A serious injury can change a person’s entire life. They could be stuck with medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and a long-term disability.
Through a personal injury claim in New Jersey, the party that was at fault for an accident can be held legally responsible for the victim’s injuries. There are a lot of myths about personal injury law and how the process actually works. Here, our Ocean personal injury attorney dispels four of the most common misconceptions about personal injury claims.
Personal Injury Myth #1: “Minor” Injuries are Not Worth Pursuing
False. You have the right to pursue a personal injury claim. Do not assume that your case is “too small” to be worth pursuing. What some people label to themselves as a “minor” injury could have resulted in thousands of medical bills, lost wages, and genuine pain and suffering. If you require significant medical care and/or missed time at work, you should consult with an attorney.
Personal Injury Myth #2: You Can Wait as Long as You Want to Bring Your Injury Claim
False. Any personal injury lawsuit must be filed before the two year statute of limitations runs out. While there are some exceptions, most personal injury claims in New Jersey are governed by a two year statute of limitations. That being said, you need to act fast to put yourself in the best position to get justice. You do not want to fall behind the insurance company.
Personal Injury Myth #3: You Case Will Probably Go to Trial
False. Personal injury litigation happens, but it is actually relatively rare. Only a small share of personal injury cases—likely between 1 percent and 5 percent—actually make it all of the way to trial. It is far more common for a personal injury lawsuit to be settled outside of the courtroom. Many more personal injury cases in New Jersey are resolved via settlement than with a verdict.
Personal Injury Myth #4: Hiring a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer is Costly
False. A personal injury lawyer will almost always handle your claim based on a contingency fee agreement. You will not need to pay anything upfront or out of your own pocket. Your New Jersey personal injury lawyer who represents victims on contingency will only get paid when you get financial compensation.
Call Our New Jersey Personal Injury Attorney for Guidance and Support
At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, our New Jersey personal injury lawyer works tirelessly to protect the rights of injured victims and their families. If you or someone you know was seriously hurt because of negligence, we are ready to help you get justice and compensation. Call us now or send us a direct message to set up a no cost, no commitment case evaluation. From our law office in Ocean, we advocate injured victims in Monmouth County and throughout the State of New Jersey.