Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Can You Get an Adult Guardianship Over a Vulnerable Parent in New York?
Do you have an aging parent who is no longer able to manage his or her own affairs? You may be to the point where you are considering setting up a guardianship. While it is a big step, it is also a necessary one to protect vulnerable adults in certain circumstances. In this article,… Read More »

What is a Family Trust?
For many people, a core estate planning goal is protecting and providing for their family. A family trust can be among the most efficient and effective estate planning tools. At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, we have extensive experience handling family-based estate planning issues. In this article, our New Jersey estate planning lawyer provides a guide… Read More »

Estate Planning in New Jersey? Should I Appoint a Health Care Surrogate?
When most people think about estate planning, the first thing that comes to mind is asset distribution. An estate plan can be used to help decide who gets what. However, that is only one aspect of estate planning. For seniors and soon-to-be seniors, health care is a very important part of overall estate planning…. Read More »

Four Significant Risks of Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Estate Planning
There is no question that completing a do-it-yourself (DIY) project can be extremely rewarding. At the same time, the DIY option is not the right approach for every situation. In some cases, you should rely on a trained professional. With estate planning, there are major risks to taking the do-it-yourself approach. At Poulos LoPiccolo… Read More »

Why Set Up an Irrevocable Trust Instead of a Revocable Trust?
A trust can be one of the most effective, efficient estate planning tools. These are many different types of trusts—including those that can be changed (revocable trusts) and those that cannot be changed (irrevocable trusts). This raises an important question: Why would you set up an irrevocable trust instead of a revocable trust? The… Read More »

Is Elder Law the Same Thing as Estate Planning?
Older Americans have unique legal and financial needs. Elder law attorneys are devoted to providing legal services that meet these needs. You may be wondering: Is elder law the same thing as estate planning? The short answer is “no”—estate planning is an important part of elder law, but the practice area is more comprehensive…. Read More »

Nursing Home Care in New Jersey is Extremely Expensive: Protect Your Family’s Finances By Planning Ahead
A private room in a nursing home in New Jersey can cost more than $10,000 per month. It is an astronomical figure that can put a tremendous financial strain on families. Even a seemingly short long-term care need can quickly start to eat away a person’s life savings—and the public support options are somewhat… Read More »

My Elderly Parent Does Not Have an Estate Plan—What Should We Do Now?
Unfortunately, many older adults lack a comprehensive estate plan. The AARP reports that 60 percent of adults and 30 percent of adults over 60 do not even have a will. If your elderly parent does not have an estate plan, it is imperative that you take action. It may not be too late to… Read More »

Is it Possible to Disinherit a Child in New Jersey?
Every adult in New Jersey should have a comprehensive estate plan in place. For parents, making plans for children—even if those children are now adults—is a key part of the estate planning process. Children are presumptively heirs in New Jersey. With that being said, you do have the right to disinherit a child. Within… Read More »

Four Tips to Reduce the Risk of Elder Abuse
Unfortunately, elder abuse remains a serious problem. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) estimates that one in ten seniors are affected. There are proactive measures that your family can take to protect your elderly parents and other vulnerable loved ones. At Poulos LoPiccolo PC, we have extensive elder law experience. Here, our Monmouth County… Read More »